Reasons to be Cheerful

We are exposed to a lot of negativity on a daily basis from mainstream media and social channels. It can be easy for us to form a negative view of the world we live in, which in turn can have a negative impact on our mood and emotions. So, as we welcome in the new year, I thought it timely to take a look at some stats* that may suggest things aren’t all doom and gloom.

Reasons to Be Cheerful

  1. Happiness Levels Remain High Three-quarters of us report experiencing either a high or very high level of happiness. This figure has remained stable since data collection began in 2011. It’s a reassuring sign that despite the challenges we face, many of us continue to find joy in life.

  2. Life Satisfaction is Strong Around 80% of people report being either highly or very highly satisfied with their lives. A similar proportion feels that the things they do in life are worthwhile. These stats underscore a widespread sense of purpose and fulfillment.

  3. Job Satisfaction is Encouraging Approximately 70% of us are fairly or very satisfied with our main job. While there is always room for improvement, this statistic reflects a largely positive view of our professional lives.

Of course, these figures don’t represent everyone. There are minorities within these metrics who are unhappy or dissatisfied, and it’s crucial to acknowledge this. Their experiences remind us of the work that still needs to be done to ensure more equitable and widespread happiness, satisfaction, and opportunity.

However, I wanted to highlight that, on the whole, these stats suggest things aren’t worse than they were 15 years ago — despite what some media narratives might lead us to believe.

Reasons to Be Cheerful — Keep the Faith!

As we step into the new year, let’s carry these positive insights with us. They serve as a reminder that even in a world filled with challenges, there is much to appreciate and celebrate. Let’s keep striving to make things better while cherishing the good around us.

*Office of National Statistics - Annual Population Survey (14-Nov-24) and Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (14-Nov-24)


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