Will Cleare Will Cleare


Super-pleased to spotlight the over-use of hyperbole this week! As people clamour to present the emporer's new clothes, I get a bit 'ranty' about the modern work-world's penchant to embellish anything and everything to grab our attention.

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HR Review - why it’s vital and how we can help!
Will Cleare Will Cleare

HR Review - why it’s vital and how we can help!

Regularly reviewing your HR provision is vital in your continued success as an employer. The HR Agency can help, by conducting an expert, independent review that informs a report with recommendations for improvements.

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Onboarding and awkward first dates
Samuel Hook Samuel Hook

Onboarding and awkward first dates

One in three employees would prefer to go on an awkward first date than attend onboarding or orientation for a new job! Everyone knows how painful an awkward first date can be, so why are companies causing such dread at the thought of taking part in their onboarding process?

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The Lens
Will Cleare Will Cleare

The Lens

This month we celebrate B Corps month. There is an imperative for us to act to safeguard our planet and societies for the future. As business leaders and owners, we have an obligation to integrate with our local communities, contributing to, rather than extracting from, the local ecosystems.

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March with purpose
Will Cleare Will Cleare

March with purpose

B Corps are a rapidly growing community of purpose-driven companies from around the world who have shared and stated the desire to be a force for good for their people, their local communities and our planet. Certified B Corporations have shifted their focus from profit for profit’s sake and satisfying shareholder value, to using profits and growth for a positive impact for all their stakeholders.

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Oxfordshire Recruitment Market Overview
Kate Allen Kate Allen

Oxfordshire Recruitment Market Overview

Recruitment, along with many other sectors of the economy, got off to a sluggish start in the New Year as employers dug out their crystal balls and tried to make sense of the UK's third national lockdown in less than a year. Fortunately, as the nationwide vaccination programme began to gather momentum and the media headlines turned to messages of hope and optimism, employers started to look to the year ahead with renewed energy and resolve.

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